Ep 41. Stock Order Types: Demystifying All The Ways to Buy & Sell Securities

There are so many different ways to buy and sell securities in your brokerage account. What does Bid and Ask mean? What is Stop and Limit Order? What are market orders? How many different Order Types are there and what is the difference? This is your ‘set it and forget it” overview of order types for trading securities through your brokerage firm.

Episode Equity

Learn About The Different Stock Order Types

When you find a security (stock, ETF, etc.) you want to buy in your brokerage account, you might see some different ways to place that order. It might seem confusing, but don't fret, we'll go over some of the order types you might want to try out! Listen to Episode 41 now and feel free to submit any questions.

Remember These Things:

Take taxable events into account (capital gains, losses, selling before holding for 1 year, etc.)

Don’t try to time the market

This is education, not advice. 😉

Limit Order vs Market Order:

Limit Order guarantees price not execution

Market Order guarantees execution


Trading Order Types Vocabulary: 

Market Mechanics

Bid & Ask Price

Market Order

Limit Order

Stop Loss Order

Trailing Stop Loss

Stop Price 

Limit Price

Conditional Order Types

FOK = Fill Or Kill

GTC = Good Till Canceled 

OTO = One Triggers Other

OTOCO = One Triggers Other Cancel Other

SPX  = S&P 500 Indice Symbol

FINRA has a good explanation of Order Types


Visuals aka Jess Made a PowerPoint 👀

If you’re listening on Spotify, you can also watch the video podcast and follow along in the PP slides Jess Inskip made for us. We also eventually upload all of our video podcasts to our YouTube channel. Jess used stockcharts.com to make some of the visuals in our PowerPoint. We’ll post it on our website and slides on social media.


Episodes You May Also Like:

We’ve already gone over Bid and Ask prices and how those market mechanics work in Episodes 16 (on Dark Pools, PFOF, Market Makers) 

You might also like Episode 10 (how to read a stock quote) and Episode 14 (how to analyze a stock for beginners). 😉✨

Jessie's Questions

Episode Transcript

Market MakeHer
Jess, I was looking at a trade ticket in my brokerage account and I noticed all these order types. So what is the point of a trailing stop order or a conditional order, market orders, limit orders? Are there more? Like, why are there so many different order types? And will I ever use these? I need you to make it all make sense. there's so many, Jessi. There are some advanced order types. They're actually really useful.

especially if you're worried about losses or going on vacation. Some of those set it and forget it and triggers if you don't want to look at the market, which is impossible for me. But you can automate a lot before automation was a thing. that's cool. At your brokerage firm. Yeah. Well, I know some of our listeners were asking about this one too. So I want to learn all the order types so I know the best ways to trade stocks.

Ooh, so since there's visuals, do we get to use the tool jingle again? Because I really like the tool jingle. We can use the tool jingle again. We should come up with a new tool jingle. Anyone who wants to submit a tool jingle, feel free. Yes, we accept that. Our email is Jessica at marketmakeherpodcast .com because you don't know which Jessica's there. All right, here we go.

You're listening to Market Make Her, the self -directed investing education podcast that breaks down the complexities of the stock market, teacher learner style, from her perspective. I'm Jessi D 'Nouy, the curious and inquisitive marketing maven on a journey to learn how to invest in the stock market and be a self -directed investor, very publicly on this podcast, that is. Which means I ask the questions you might be thinking and admit what I do not know so that we can all actually understand how this all works together.

Yes, and I'm Jessica and Skip, decade long friend of Jessie hearts. You see, this podcast was actually Jessie's idea. I've been working in finance for almost 15 years now. And I remember when Jessie first started getting to investing, she would send me podcast episodes and articles and screenshots, which I would correct and explain. And she was like, everyone should know that.

Market MakeHer (02:22.382)
But then I learned you couldn't because you were financially licensed, which still blows my mind. Yeah, it blows mine too. But on February 22nd of 2022, never forget that date. Two, two, two, two, two. It's all the twos. Yeah. I gave up those licenses because I was sick of the misinformation. I really was. It was going around everywhere. It was on social. So here we are. Anyways, my job on this podcast is to make it make sense. That's right.

Okay Jess, so order types. Let's start with a market order then. Yes, visuals. Visual time. PowerPoint time. This is screenshots of my actual Fidelity account. I hid the account number, so no, I can steal my data. Anyways, so we're going through all of the order types today. Actually have 10 and we should definitely start with the market order.

But remember when we had the episode on how to read a stock quote and we went through what a last price is, what the bid and ask is, and some of the basic data. That's what you're going to see on here. And I think that's important to talk about first. OK. Because all market mechanics. So last price. This is all called market mechanics. That's when you say market mechanics, you're talking about all of this, like the bids, the asks, like how that all plays out. OK. Yeah. How it works is mechanics. What makes the machine just go. Yeah. OK.

That's in the name too. We're just going to say that a lot. A lot of things are. Yes. So last price. So we have Apple up. The last price is $209 .50. This is as of today, June 20th, 2024. We're using Apple even though they were dethroned by Microsoft, which has now been dethroned by Nvidia. That's right. It has. We always use Apple as an example. So here we go. We do. I always figured it was just a consistency. Yes.

So 209 .50 is the last price. That means the last time that it traded, it's down 478 from yesterday's close or the previous close. So today, today's Thursday, but if it was Monday, it'd be from Friday. And then it gives you a percentage. That's just the past. That's what it means. The ask is where we buy. So 209 .51, the bid is where we sell 209 .50. This stock has a lot of volume shares that are traded 55 million.

Market MakeHer (04:47.566)
when I took the screenshot earlier today, which was around 3 p so one hour before the market closed. If it has a lot of volume, the price where you buy and sell, that's called the spread, the difference between the bid and ask, I know I'm using a lot of jargon, but we'll make it make sense, is really close to each other. It's a penny apart. If it didn't have a lot of volume, it'd be whiter. And if you wanna learn more about that, please listen to our, how do market makers work episode in Dark Fools. On Dark Fools, the market makers. Yes.

when you were at Siren, love that, when it was Halloween, or was it? When you buy at the market, you buy at the best available price to buy and sell, which is the bid and ask. So if I was to hit preview order right now, so I put in Apple, I wanna buy however many shares, I'm using five for all these examples, at the market, I would buy at 209 .51. It's that simple. Market means best price to buy right now. If this was a sell order, it'd be at the bid, which is 209 .50, which is all really close.

to the last price. The last price is actually exactly in the middle between the bid and ask. It has 209 .50 and a half. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Dare I ask what the times three and the times seven means? Yeah, that's the shares that are attached to it. Times 100. So there are 700 shares that someone is willing to sell at 209 .51, which means I can buy 700 at 209 .51 if I wanted. Okay. And you can only sell 300?

Yeah, so that's what's available to sell at $209 .50. There might be other prices there at $209 .50, but this is called the top quote. We talked about the level two quote in the Market Maker episode, which is super, super advanced market mechanics. But all we have to focus on today is this is the best price to buy. This is the best price to sell. When you hit market order and it's something that has a lot of volume, it's in the S &P 500, market's fine.

So the bid is 209 .50 times three and the ask is 209 .51 times seven. So the ask means you can buy up to 700 Apple shares at 209 .51. And the bid means you can, again, make sure this is right. You can sell 300 at $209 .50. Yeah, that's what's available at the top quote.

Market MakeHer (07:09.23)
There could be more at the same price, same amount of shares, but yes, that's exactly right. You nailed it. If you're doing this during market hours, this will change pretty frequently. Constantly. Yeah. Constantly. Especially for a big one like Apple that has such a large market share. Absolutely well. Just constantly going, yes, market cap. Which has big market share. This all goes together. I love it. Awesome.

And they give you some good information, like if there is an ex -dividend coming up, if there's earnings, are you income, are you growth, you know, do you want to watch out for these, all those things. Now before you make the trade, okay. Simple, we're gonna get more complex as we go. Now, we're gonna talk about a limit order. Okay. When you have a limit order, you're saying, I have a limit to the price that I want to spend. It is literally in the name. Right. In this case, I put my limit price is $200.

So if Apple were to drop to $200 per share, I want to go ahead and buy it. OK. But I can't buy it unless the ask says $200, because that's the price you buy stock at. Someone has to be willing to sell it to me. OK. Yes. Apple's $209 .50 when I took the screenshot. And it may never hit this price. So I could say, I want to buy these shares if it does this during market hours. That's a, that's.

for the day, that time and force for the day. Okay. I could - Until the market closes that day. Exactly. I could say good until canceled, which means at Fidelity, it's 180 days. Which is a good timeframe. That's a long time. It's like six months. That changes for brokerage firms. It does have a help button there, like a little question mark help button. So I'm sure that also tells you everything. It does. If you don't remember this. Absolutely. It's kind of good to have like a idea of what -

It is before you go looking at it, you know. Completely. And that's such a great point. You can all over your brokerage firm hit the contextual education. Part of my day job is writing that contextual education. I really do. Or this company's. To you no matter which way. That's so true. A limit order just means if I'm buying, I want to buy it at a better price than the market. So it's going to sit there until it hits my price for those people who say, I want to buy this at a lower price. I'm going to wait for a lower price. Well, instead of.

Market MakeHer (09:29.23)
watching your phone constantly or logging in, you could put in a limit order. And then when it hits that lower price, it'll just buy it for you. That's cool. So if you've been paying attention to how the company is doing or you have like some data possibly telling you that you think the stock price might drop due to maybe earnings or whatever you're looking at for that company, then you might want to put in a limit price for something lower than what it is right now because you have a feeling that that price is going to come down. You don't pay more for it, especially if you're buying multiple shares.

Exactly. And the same happens on the sell side. It's just a higher price. So if Apple is at 209 .50 like it is now, and maybe you want to sell it when it hits $250, you could put in a limit order to sell it when it hits 250. That'll just automatically happen for you. Yep. Cool. That's it. That does make it a little easier. You don't have to watch the market. Yes. And I did make a visual for this. Of course you did.

I forgot I did this until I went to the next slide. Look at this. Okay, so we got a line chart. Yes, it's a line chart of Apple. We're looking at a two year timeframe. This is its performance, past performance is not indicative of future results. If you work at a brokerage firm, you're laughing right now. So it's 209 .80. It's the last price when I took this screenshot. So yeah, it's moving around. But this means just the same concept if it were to drop to 200.

This is triggered for whatever timeframe I have. Okay. That's it. Simple enough. Waiting for a drop, buy when it drops. Yes. Next is stop loss. I don't think I know anything about this. What? This is a fun one. So these are for my anxiety ridden people right here. Nice. Yes. Where you're like calm our nerves. Yes. We, especially if you have a stock where you've made

a lot of money off of it and you want to protect that. These are protection type of orders and they're really helpful. This is the set it and forget it type of things where you don't have to monitor things constantly. So this is a piece of automation. So I do actually own Apple in this account and my average price is 190 personally. Okay. That I have. So I have. Well your average price that's what you've like paid for on average. Yes that's right.

Market MakeHer (11:55.822)
So if I were to have a sell order for a portion of that at the price that I paid to make sure that I don't lose money, a stop loss is like stop the bleeding. So if it were to drop to 190, it would create a market order. So if a last price comes across the tape at 190,

it would trigger a market order. So it could be a little lower, could be a little higher. Stopping the loss that you get if it goes below the price you bought it for on average. Exactly. OK, so it's like a risk thing. You don't want to lose the money you invested. So if it does go down below that, and that doesn't mean it won't go back up again, but if you're that worried of losing that much money, then you can go ahead and stop your loss and kind of like break even, I guess. Yeah.

Or wherever you specify your price. And here would be at my breaking in price, but you could do that if you have a really big gain, like a lot of people probably do in Nvidia. You might have made 300%, but if it drops to where I've only made 200%, I'm going to get out at that point. So you can do things like that. OK, cool. I didn't know you could do that. Yeah. And you can even specify shares, depending on what type of account it is.

Because remember, a sale is going to trigger a taxable event if it's in a taxable account. So if you have higher shares, higher price, you could specify those. You could specify the lower ones. You can attach specific shares to the order. Wait, you can attach, like, say you bought five shares previously at $190, and then you bought another five shares at $200. You can specify it that way, or? Yep, you can. Yeah. And tax -wise, it might make sense for you to sell the $200.

or to take a loss because you made gains elsewhere. You know what I mean? OK. Yeah. There's a lot that goes on with this. Yeah, I didn't realize you could do all these different. You have all these different options available. Yeah. So here's my other visual. Say you own it at 200. If it were to drop to 190, it's just going to say stop the bleeding. But if it goes up, that still stays. But what if there was a way where that stop were to rise?

Market MakeHer (14:06.83)
With the stock. There is. I got ahead of myself. Okay. So a stop loss means stop the bleeding, trigger a market order. Okay. A stop limit means stop the bleeding, trigger a limit order. So I would have my stop price. So Apple drops to 190, order is triggered, but the order that's triggered is a limit price, a limit order.

So sell at 189 in case it's falling that way the bid is hit because there is something. I wouldn't sell at 190 at the stop price though. Well you could specify your limit price as 190 but what would happen is if 190 comes across the tape so the last price is 190 but then the next bid is 187 if you have a stop loss it would sell at 187. So limit orders. So if it goes below the limit so if you have the stop.

price at the stop loss price at 190 and the limit price at 189 and it goes down to 187 that quickly. It will not execute. Correct. It'll sit as an open limit order until a bid hits 189. So then you might not actually stop the bleeding if you set a limit price. Yes. Okay. So that's just the extra thing to think about if you if you really want to make sure you sell it.

and stop the loss at 190, don't put a limit price because then it might not actually go through. Right. But limit orders are prudent for stocks that do not have a lot of volume. OK. Apple has a lot of volume. With every buy, there's a sell. And a good rule of thumb, limit orders guarantee price. Market orders guarantee execution. Market, you say, whatever price is at right now, limit says, I want this price. And I will not sell or buy unless it's at this price or better. OK.

This is a good example because if the stop was at 190 triggers a limit order at 189, but the next bid was 190, it would still sell it at 190. Okay. So it's, it's okay to do that. Good to know. Yes. All right. Now, what if there was a way that it moved with you? Is if the stop loss moves up, if the stock goes up in price. Yeah, exactly.

Market MakeHer (16:24.622)
So this is called a trailing stop loss. It trails the stock. It trails with the stop. Yes. And you can do this by dollar or percentage. And you could base it off of the last price. You could base it off of the bid, or you could base it off of the ask. OK. Up to you. So I just specified last. I've got an awesome visual for this one. good. And I put colors. Just try to visualize it in my head. Yes.

Say you owned it at 200 and you had a trailing stop loss order at a $10 trail. That means that if I, if it's the stock price is at 200, the stop order would be at 190. So if it were to fall to 190, it would trigger a market order. So that just triggers it. But as a stock goes up, so in this example I have, if it goes to 210, well, the stop order is going to move to 200.

So the stop goes up, but it will never go down. OK. So you basically don't want the loss to be more than $10 of whatever the current stock price is. That's what you're saying. Yes. You say trail this stock by $10. And if it drops by $10, I went out of the position. But if it goes up to $220 and then down quickly to $200, it would have sold at $210. It would have just sold at $210 no matter what. OK. It would have been triggered at $210.

If it was going down, it might've been at a slightly lower price, but this is Apple we're looking at. So again, a lot of volume. As soon as it hits that $10 trailing stop amount, whenever it's at, like, so if it just goes up $10, no way. If it goes up $20 and goes down, then it's going to, when does this trigger? It triggers only if it goes down $10 from the highest last price when you put the order.

Okay, so it can keep going up. So the stock kept going up and up and up. As soon as it goes down $10 in the last high point is when it's gonna trigger. Exactly. Since you placed the order. Yes. Yes. That can be a helpful tool, but there's a better way. Wait, there's four. So if you do it by percentage though, because $10 could be a huge percent.

Market MakeHer (18:46.094)
but then it becomes a smaller and a smaller and a smaller. And as you see for today, Apple was down 2 % today. OK, yeah. Mm -hmm. Because it hit all time highs. It's just natural rotation. It's the thing that happens. So if you do a trailing stop by percentage, you can see how it moves. So if you own it at 200, but you do a 10 % trail, that makes it from 200. Right now it's at 200 when you place this. You'd say 10 % trail. So it would trigger a stop order at 180.

But if it goes up to 210, 10 % down from 210 is 189. 10 % down from 220 is 198. So see what I mean? It's looking for a 10 % rather than a $10. Yeah. Which gives you a little more cushion. But you can also see how these orders exist. And if there is sell -offs, they're exasperated because these exist from the retail side even. It's a way of protection, especially if you're going on vacation.

This would be good. Like the trailing stop order with the percentage would probably be good with a really volatile stock like high high beta volatility type of trade. Yeah it could be. It's an especially if you have a really big gain in something. We definitely don't talk about active trading here. We're all investors but we believe in seeking alpha which means adding stocks to your portfolio. So if you're protecting something where you have a really big gain.

This is fine, but doing this automatically on everything will just make you exit your portfolio. Ups and downs in the market are completely natural. 5 % corrections happen all the time. And when those do, sometimes those are buying opportunities. So I don't want to set the precedence that do this with everything. But if you have a big gain, you're probably over -concentrated, and this is a way to exit out of that position, or a portion of it.

Wait, if you have a big gain like in one particular stock, what do you mean over concentrated? Like you're not diverse enough in your portfolio? Yeah, like right now the market hangs on Nvidia. Yeah. Everyone is over concentrated in Nvidia and probably has a lot of gains in Nvidia. Yeah. And that story definitely seems still there. But if something were to happen, the whole market would go down quite a bit because it's really concentrated on one security. so something where you're like

Market MakeHer (21:06.35)
kind of closer to retiring or you might need that money you invested in for something else and you're kind of worried that the stock price is gonna just start falling and you're not gonna be paying attention. So you wanna when something does happen like that, you want this kind of like preparation in there just for it to go ahead and execute your sale or whatever it is so that you're just protected basically. Exactly.

And this is a practice, again, not financial advice, just education here. I do this on stocks that I have really big gains on. OK. But I think another thing to take into account, we did mention this, is taxes. Yes. And you are taxed much higher when you sell a stock or make a trade on a security that you've had for less than one year, right? Yes. Short -term capital gain versus long -term capital gains.

Absolutely. Keep that in mind. If you're not keeping, if you're not holding onto something for a year and you're selling it, you're going to end up owing a little bit more. Yes. One's taxes income. The other is a fixed rate. Yes. For sure. Jesse, you're not beginner anymore. But we knew that. Intermediate beginner. Yes. Okay. Now we have conditional orders. These are fun. So.

There are conditions, it's in the name. I love that I took these screenshots throughout the day, because now Apple's come back a little. It's at two 10. So this conditional order is called a one cancels the other, also known as a bracket order. So it's just order because there's different brackets. Yeah, you're like literally looking at. Yeah, you're bracketing. Like you are you are setting your upper limit and your lower limit, basically.

It's like when you're like writing some type of computer language and you're saying, if this, then this. Exactly. Except, or you know, you can do and clauses or, or whatever. That's a great analogy. It is literally Excel formulas. Yeah. So you have order A and order B. They're both sell orders in this case. They could also be buy. You can do lots of combinations, but this is the example I have. So order A is my limit price. So again, own Apple. Let's say you bought it at the market price.

Market MakeHer (23:28.718)
that it is now around 210. And you say, all right, I've owned Apple at 210. I bought it today because it was down 2%. If that reaches 250, I would like to sell the position. However, if it drops to 200, I would also like to sell the position. And the stock's going to go one way or the other. So it's impossible for both of these to execute. If one executes, cancel the other. One cancels the other. It's very.

very much in the name. And here's my visual for that. Yes. 0 .210, if it drops, stop the bleeding at 200, that would trigger a market order. And then their limit order says, if it hits 250, please sell at 250. So this is a conditional order. Yep. And this is called one cancels the other. OK. So that's just one type of conditional order. One type. We're going to go through two more. These are fun. All right. Conditional.

contingent order. This one is interesting and this is more for those technical people. Yeah. If you will. So you can do a trigger based on if the stock hits a price, but you could say, okay, well if the S &P 500 hits this, I want to buy Apple. Or if the Dow Jones does this or the NASDAQ hits this, you could do it based on an indices or another symbol and trigger a buy or a sell. So in this example, I have if the S &P 500 reaches 5 ,000,

which is a major area of support, I want to go ahead and buy some shares of Apple. So the index symbol for S &P 500 is SPX. Yes. Yes, it is. OK. Yes. So yeah. And what's great about Fidelity is you don't have to know that. You just click this and it'll have a drop down of major indices that you can choose from. Cool. OK. So we're doing a conditional order type that's contingent on the S &P 500 index performing a specific way. Yeah, exactly.

That's it. What is the trigger direction amount time in force? Yes. So I'm saying that if the S &P 500, the last price, so right now it's 5 ,474. See, it's literally dollars. They have it here as dollars. If that hits 5 ,000, so direction below instead of it increasing. So if it decreases to 5 ,000 or lower, and I'm having that trigger open,

Market MakeHer (25:55.63)
for good until canceled, which is 180 days. GTC, good until canceled. And if that happens, if the trigger is met, the S &P 500, the last price, 5 ,000, crosses the tape, then I want to buy 25 shares of Apple at the market. OK. Which is helpful if you are someone who watches the market or I saw that question, should I wait on a pullback on the market before I buy these other stuff? Well, you can set it and forget it. But.

The 500 stocks that are in the S &P 500 very greatly and can't a couple of those stocks kind of carry the S &P 500? They can, yeah. But there's... I mean Apple's one of them that kind of does help carry it up and down. It has and it recently broke out because of WWDC and it had the AI integration with OpenAI which is a whole other episode we could talk about and I would love to but...

Apple started helping carrying the S &P 500, but what happens when it's all of the line leaders, portfolio managers can only have a certain portion of assets within their portfolios. So there's turnover that happens. You can't have 30 % of your portfolio be one security. I see. That triggers sells, and it's natural. So it is so natural to experience 5 % pullbacks in the S &P 500.

So something that portfolio managers would use more for their clients? Yeah, they could. They could say, you know, when this pullback happens, I'm going to add on to this position. Interesting. And you can, you have access to these tools too. Yeah. So you can do it too. Do things that way in your own portfolio. Absolutely. We've said it multiple times. Don't try to time the market. It's not easy to do, but you can be prepared.

And it could rally and then you could have done much better just buying the shares. So these are advanced, but we also have a lot of people who work at Brokerage Perms that listen to this podcast that I'm sure are explaining these to clients all the time. So yeah, walk through it. All right. There's more. If you're calling up your brokerage firm and they're explaining this to you, you will already have some background and it'll be, it'll all make more sense. That's true. Explained. That's true. The more you know.

Market MakeHer (28:16.878)
The more you build knowledge, the more you break barriers. That's right. Yeah, we're doing it again. I love it. OK, this one is called a one triggers the other. It's still a conditional order type. Still conditional. It's abbreviated OTO, one triggers other. Yes. OK. So this says order A will trigger order B upon order A executing. So in this case, say, apples at 210.

and I think there's gonna be more of a pullback. So when Apple hits 200, I wanna go ahead and buy it. So order A is a limit order to buy shares of Apple at $200 per share. If that executes, I wanna go ahead and sell Apple when it hits 250. So that's my trigger. So when it buys, I'm immediately setting my price target to sell. If it drops to 200, it'll buy.

and then it's going to sit and wait until it hits 250. This is probably a rare case scenario, but if that happens in the same day, then you are buying and selling in the same day? You are, and that could happen. And that might not be good for your tax situation or whatever. I mean, I'd call it a win. That's a good scenario. But then there are day trading rules and things that could happen to your account if you're actively trading, which

We could totally go over if anyone has interest in. Yes. I know way too much about margin and those rules. But nonetheless. If you have a question, feel free to submit it. Yes. Jessie is like, I'm not ready for that. But if someone else is, I'm happy to learn with you. There we go. But this one is helpful.

again for that set it and forget it. I'm going on vacation. I think Apple's gonna have a pullback really soon. I wanna go ahead and buy it if it hits 200 and if it does and for some reason they have this AI thing, go ahead and sell it at 250 because I don't have time to monitor it or I'm not gonna have any access to wifi, whatever. Those of you with Phil though, yes, it's true. All right, now here's the fun one. This is called, I don't know why it makes me laugh.

Market MakeHer (30:34.51)
This is a conditional order type called a one triggers the cancels the other. O -T -O -C -O. One triggers other, cancels other. Yes. Okay. So. That does not work in my brain. Let's do this out. Yes. So there are three orders. Okay. It's just like a lipid order. Actually I have a visual for it, but we'll go through what it looks like. And the example I have, if one trade is placed.

So one triggers, one cancels the other. This is a true bracket order. I buy my limit at 200. So if Apple were to drop to 200, I want to go ahead and buy it. So the previous example, we said, if I buy it, go ahead and sell it at my high price. This is saying, if I buy it, go ahead and sell it at my high price, but also stop my losses at my low price too. It's a stop loss combined with a sell limit. And I have a visual to help you wrap your head around it, because visuals are amazing. Yeah, visuals always help.

Right now it's around 210. If it were to drop to 200, you'd buy it. That would trigger a one triggers the other or one cancels the other. So the limit order at 250 and then the stop loss at 190. Okay. At 190. Okay. Yeah. Yep. I thought you would ask what these little Ds and Es were at the bottom of the chart. my contacts are blurry. I didn't see that. Let me look. So where are those little, there's a blue.

D and then purple E's at the bottom where the months are. Yeah, that's where a dividend was and earnings were. that's cool. How did you plot this chart? I use stockcharts .com. OK. But this is also available on Fidelity .com. Is this what you use when you're on TV explaining things? Yes, it is. I use stock charts because I can save it and I have a bunch of notes and I've got like crazy looking stuff one day we'll talk about.

That is the end of my slideshow. Beautiful. 10 stars. 10 order times. No, no. That's it though. I mean, primarily you're just going to use a market order, but you can definitely see how stop losses and limit orders, especially trailing stops as well, can be helpful. I'm pretty sure I've used it before.

Market MakeHer (32:54.03)
When I had my eye on, I think it was Microsoft and we talked about something where I thought Microsoft might come down and I'm pretty sure I sat in order to where like, if the price falls to this point, go ahead and buy it. And then it happened and I was like, it did it. It does things. It's easy, yeah. Yeah. I kind of forgot about it, but I already had the money in there to spend. I knew it was like, you know, if it was gone out of my account that it worked. I love that. You said a limit order guarantees price. Yes. Not what?

Not execution. Not execution. And then the market order guarantees the inverse? Yep. It guarantees execution. Because you're saying I sell it at the market. When I go to the marketplace, whatever someone is willing to buy it or sell it at, that is what I will take. Limit order, you say, this price only. OK. It's my analogy. Yes. Nope. It's good. Nice. I'm going to put that on a social media post as well. I like it.

Okay. Well, that's a lot for my brain to marinate on and I'm sure it's all of yours as well. So if you have any follow -up questions to this episode, please feel free to send them to our social media accounts or our email, jessica@marketmakeherpodcast .com. You never know what Jessica you'll get. Yeah. It's good for both of us. Nice thing. One of the good things about having the same name.

So true. Other than all the other confusion, but that's OK. Yes. If you found this helpful, share this episode with someone who could use some financial literacy in their life. We all can. It helps us grow. We show up for you. This is honestly the best way for you to show up for us. It doesn't cost you a dime. Just want you to share. Share the good word of financial literacy. As we share all the information on shares or stock that you could ever want to know.

I like that. We're all sharing here. You can leave us a review or five stars if you so choose. We appreciate it if you would. Yes, until next time, keep learning, keep earning and keep breaking down those barriers. Remember, investing involves risk. There is always potential to lose money when investing in securities.

Market MakeHer (35:23.246)
Market Maker provides educational content and resources for informational purposes only. We are not registered financial advisors and do not provide personalized investment advice. Any information provided by Market Maker on our website or podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional financial advice. Market Maker is not liable for any investment decisions made based on our content.